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Saturday, February 14, 2004

Commercials I Hate

I hate commercials too. More than this guy has on his site. But I'm glad I'm not the only one completely grossed out by the following commercial which he reviews:

"Lamisil: This summer I was severly disturbed by a commercial for a foot fungus medicine called Lamisil. The commercial features an evil animated foot fungus. He stands in front of a big toe, explaining that all he wants to do is to get into your nail bed.
He then RIPS the TOENAIL OFF of the toe. I was in bed when I saw this. I screamed like a woman and clutched the covers right off the bed.
Prying a toenail off of a big toe is NOT something nice people show on television. God DAMN this is some freaky shit. I just looked at the picture myself and I feel like I'm gonna barf. Who would show this to innocent people?"

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