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Monday, October 11, 2004

inSPOT - STD Internet Notification Service for Partners or Tricks

STD e-cards created for people to let their partners or "tricks" know that they might have caught something. First I thought this was kind of a silly idea, but I guess it makes it easier for people if they can send a warning anonymously.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Bet you don't know what "Ritz bits'" secret ingredient is? Now with 20% more cheese and 100% more child. Strange ad taken from a recent People magazine. Click to enlarge

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Finally my TabletPC has gone to good use. I've made a series of fonts, and I'm making the most legible one available for download. So here's Schoolprint 1.0. Download it and put it in your font file if you want. In the meantime, I'll try and create some readable fonts that aren't quite so boring. (click the photo to download font)

here's my font in action (click to enlarge

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