Amazon's Free & Legal Mp3s
I just recently discovered's Free Music Downloads section- (You do need to have an Amazon account to download)-It's got plenty of great downloads from indie artists. Right now I am loving The Decemberists' Engine Driver. If you don't have an account, you can also download the song directly from their record label (While you're there, also download "Here I Dreamt I Was an Architect" )
The Decemberists have also released their video for 16 Military Wives via BitTorrent.
~~Hooray for musicians who don't fear technology~~!
Here are some more recommended downloads from Amazon:
The Arcade Fire:Neighborhood#3
Bloc Party: Banquet
Bright Eyes:Take it Easy (Love Nothing)
Jeff Hanson:This Time it Will
The Paper Chase:Said the Spider to the Fly
Jeff Hanson and The Paper Chase are on the same label as the Decemberists, Kill Rock Stars, which has its own site where you can download mp3s from those and many other artists on the label.