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Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Central Park 1

Ughh, I just realized I meant to post these in my photoblog. Oh well I'll post them there too. I've been going to Central Park recently and walking around different parts of it each day. Lola (my dog) comes too, so there's quite a few photos of her, especially in the first series. (The 2nd and 3rd series have more "scenic" photos of Central Park). This photo from the first series shows a gondola on the reservoir as seen through an opening in Bow Bridge. Click the Imagestation link to see the series taken on 6/20 and 6/21:

Central Park 2

Flowers in Shakespeare's garden. Click the Imagestation link to see the Central Park photo series from 6/23:

Central Park 3

The "mall" or promenade. Click on the Imagestation link to see the series of photos from my visit to Central Park on 6/27 and 6/28:

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Found Photos

Update 6/28/04: It seems new ones are added quite frequently...I'll add to the list below if I spot any others I like

Someone posted other people's photos he found on a P2P. Some are funny, some are interesting, some are a little gross, some are just normal pictures. I guess the lesson is when using a file sharing program, make sure not to share your embarrassing photos.

Here are some of my favorites, for those who don't care to see boring or gross photos:
Tough guy wearing a fanny packHot. haha
Guy makes out with star trek crew member
This kid looks drunk
The hamburglar jammin with a computer
Dangers of too much sun exposure This lady looks pretty young right? But she's already got sun spots all over her shoulders and wrinkles on her chest..Why is she still at the beach???
Two guys in speedos and one in shorts and red suspenders I don't get it.
Flooding It would really suck if one of those cars were yours
Does this count as bestiality?? Some guy looks a little too happy his cat is trying to nurse off him.
Some loser dressed up as an alien
Here he is again

Ginormous underground mushroom

I guess this is somewhat interesting, but what really made me think WTF was the last section:

Genetically Closer to People

In other research, scientists have determined that fungi are more closely related to human beings and animals than to other plants.

Moreover, while humans and most species are divided into only two sexes, mushrooms contain over 36,000 sexes.

I'm not sure what this means or why they didn't elaborate on this. Fungi are like people??? And from where did they pull out 36,000 sexes?? How does that work? I don't remember much about fungi reproduction from high school bio class, but I believe it involved either asexual reproduction or spores, depending on the fungi type or something...

Deer buttface sold on ebay

Words cannot explain how much this thing freaks me out. I will probably have nightmares about it tonight. Someone was selling this on ebay. It's a deer's butt out of which someone fashioned a face. The butthole is its mouth (look at the upside down picture if you don't get it). Actually, it's kind of cool in a creepy sort of way. Yeah, I would have bought it. And hung it in my room so it could look at me while I sleep and suck out my soul with its assmouth.

"Exploiting Peer-to-Peer networking"

"I have lost all faith in humanity."

-Some guy renames his shared classic rock files as explicit and ridiculous porn titles..and sick people actually downloaded stuff such as "An emu taking a vicious dump".

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


This little thing is a fully functional WinXP computer the size of a pocketpc/palm pilot (with a 20GB hard drive). Maybe a little too small to really be practical though (it can't be too comfortable writing on that tiny little keyboard)....

They answered an e-mail I wrote super fast...and with a thorough answer. Hopefully this'll translate to good customer service once it comes out.

For anyone interested: I asked if I could write on its screen like a Tablet PC (I have a Toshiba tablet that's currently being fixed and probably needs a new hard drive)...and if the handwriting could be translated to text. I also asked if it was known how much it would sell for.
This is the response:

Thanks for your interest in the OQO Ultra Personal Computer.
The OQO has the same pen digitizer technology that is used in the Tablet PC's (and most tablet PC products). However, our user testing indicated that users wanted the pen for navigation, cursor control and the thumb keyboard over using the pen for handwriting recognition. We are expecting users to use the pen for navigation and cursor control, and the thumb keyboard for text input.

As for handwriting recognition, there are third parties such as Pen & Internet(formerly Parascript, which supplied the technology Microsoft licensed for the TabletPC Edition) that offer software that can be installed providing similar functionality to TabletPC Edition.

As a result, we will be shipping with a choice of Windows XP Home or Windows XP Pro, and we will not be shipping with or supporting Windows XP TabletPC Edition. And that being said, you can still install TabletPC Edition and it will run just fine.

Regarding the cost of the OQO, we have not yet set a price for the unit but the suggested retail will be less than $2000.

Thanks again for your interest and we will keep you informed of new developments.

Kind Regards,

Hmm..I guess it makes sense that people wouldn't want to write on it with a pen--The screen would really be too small to write more than a few words at a time.--I have that problem with my pocket pc--I like writing on it, but there's barely enough screen space to write a full sentence. The pen digitizer is a good idea, though--that'll mean that the screen will only respond to the special pen, and not your fingers--which might sound like a bad thing, but it's actually really annoying when you mess something up because your hand was accidentally touching the screen.

Ok I'll switch off nerd mode for tonight.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Audioblogging and my photoblog

--Now i'm getting super high tech and joined audioblogger (and recently started a photoblog). Not that I'll use it much cause I'd feel kind of stupid talking to myself..but anyway I wanted to test it out. The way it works is you phone Audioblogger's #, enter your phone # and pin, listen to the options (record, listen, post, etc), and then it posts a link to an mp3 file (below).'s my first audiopost. Enjoy sounds of the NYC subway, as recorded on my Ipaq (and then with my phone, hence the super crappiness)..The beeping sound in between the subway sounds is me clicking on the files..
this is an audio post - click to play

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

More ebay auctions

After the $91 sucess of my last gmail invite sale on ebay, I logged into my Gmail account and discovered I had received 3 more invites to share! Since no one I know wants one (that I know of) I'm auctioning them off again. I'm also helping Bri sell a cute dog carrier which has already met its reserve price of $200. This summer, Coki and I are planning to start an ebay business, where we sell other people's crap for a commission. In the meantime, check out my current auctions. (Links now open in a new window! Wooohooo)

Friday, June 04, 2004

Ghost town--Chernobyl Pictures

Update 6/27/04 : Is this site faked? (Or at the very least embellished?)

Fascinating and haunting site--Elena, biker and daughter of a nuclear physicist, documents her travels to the areas surrounding Chernobyl through words and pictures.

"As I pass through the check point, I feel that I have entered an unreal world. In the dead zone, the silence of the villages, roads, and woods seem to tell something at me....something that I strain to hear....something that attracts and repels me both at the same time. It is divinely eerie - like stepping into that Salvador Dali painting with the dripping clocks. "

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Gmail ebay sale Gmail invite sold for $91 on ebay..i wish i hadn't given the other one away for free..blaggghh

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

about comments...

I've fixed it so that anyone can leave comments...not just registered users. To leave a comment for a post, click the "comments" link at the bottom of that post. I'm pretty sure you can do it anonymously too.

Undead celebs

"Jim Morrison" and "Andy Kauffman"
Apparently both have come back from the dead (right)--Kaufman's got a blog and Morrison is now a cowboy.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Bum wines

Website explores the top 5 cheap fortified wines. Cisco is one of them-- we used to drink that back in the day. I also introduced it to a bunch of unsuspecting NYU students my freshman year. Memories...

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